How to Get Rid of Moths

How Do You Get Rid of Moths

Moths have proven to be one of the major problems in our homes. How to get rid of moths can be done in easy steps. Firstly, we need to understand how this moths behave, some moths infest fabrics while others infest foods.

How do this moths enter our homes?

Well, they are always introduced to our homesthrough polluted foods or clothings. However we have some that are brought in by other rodents like mice and birds. Whatever the situation in your homes, in this article you will not only find helpful tips on how to get rid of moths but also ways you will use to prevent future infestations.


Signs of moth’s infestation

Moths are mostly active during the night. Moths are attracted by light or the heat generated by the light. The holes present in our clothes are also signs of moth’s present. Moths have a habit of chewing fabrics and their eggs can be found in our closets. The damage is not only in clothes but also on carpets and any other fabric in the house. If the food in your kitchen smells stuffy then that’s a chance for them to explore your kitchen area.

Ways on how to get rid of moths

Include use of chemicals, naturally getting rid of moths or by means of machines to get rid of moths depending on areas that are infested.

Getting rid of moths naturally 

This can be done by use of food-grade diatomaceous(natural repellants) which is greatly non-toxiccompared to other insecticides. Since it’s notharmful to our health, it can be put in both food and clothes. The moths will actually die after consuming the food. Besides that, you can also use cedar in your closets by hanging clothes on cedar hangers. Make your home to be moth proof.

This can be done by applying door sweeps to doors. You can also cover all ways that can make themtrespass your house. It is also advisable to throw away infested food. Setting moths traps is also one of the best ways of getting rid of moths, once they are trapped inside, there is no way out. Knowing how to get rid of moths by use of this methods has largely overthrown the use of some mothballs and other chemicals.

Use of chemicals to get rid of moths 

This is not encouraged in most cases, since moths mostly affect food and this can be harmful to our health.

Ways of preventing future infestations 

As it is said, prevention is better than cure. You are advised to keep your clothes clean. Since moths are likely to enter your clothes if they are dirty, it is better to thoroughly clean them and store themproperly. Wool made clothes should be stored in air tight places. You should also examine your food sources so as to prevent moth infestation. Dried grains are not the only way of letting them in but also packaged and sealed food. You should also store your food in the freezer so as to kill any egg present in the food. All cracks and crevices should be sealed to prevent moths from trespassing orbreeding. Do your best to ensure this places are sealed since they are rarely cleaned.


How to Get Rid of Corns on Toes at Home

Ways to Get Rid of Corns on Your Toe

If you are one of those people who suffer from corns on your feet or your toes then you must be feeling that the sooner you get rid of them the better. Acorn is an accumulation of dead skin with hardcore that develops on or between your toes. Development of corns is how the body responds to repeated pressure and friction. Corns on the smallest toes or on top of the toes form a hard crusty surface. Corns between the toes are kept soft and moist by the protective are that they grow in.


Although over the counter drugs are helpful and available there is nothing that can substitute seeing a qualified Doctor. Remember, a corn is just a symptom of some underlying condition that may be developing in your body. Since the doctor can help you diagnose the cause you can easily deal with the problem directly. It is important to follow all his recommendations. Apart from seeing a Doctor there are some natural proven ways that can be used to get rid of corns. They include

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is also termed as the miracle plant because it can heal different kinds of body disorders. It contains essential vitamins E and C and zinc that can heal and make your skin soft. It also has anti-bacterial properties that will help prevent infections. Applying Aloe Vera is a very easy process; just wash your feet with soap and water then after drying you can apply Aloe Vera.

Pineapple Recipe

This remedy requires that you soak your feet for 20 minutes in warm water. Cut a piece of pineapple and put it in between your toes or right on top of the corn. You can use a tape to affix the peel of pineapple overnight. Remove it the next morning and soak your feet again. This process should take you 3 to 4 days.

Vitamin E

This is the best remedy for those who have corns between their toes. Apply some oil that has vitamin E and put a cotton wool on top of the corn. Avoid using synthetic wool as they can cause more infection. Finally, wear clean cotton socks and leave them over the night.

Put on the right shoes

If you are wearing shoes that fit you properly it is very unlikely that you will develop corns. It is important to note that the most common causes of corns are ill-fitting shoes that most of us like. The worst kinds of shoes are the dressy ones with narrow toes. Besides, do not forget to change your socks daily. This is how to get rid of corns on toes.

Papaya juice

This is claimed to be the fastest method of treating corns. Grind some chalk and make a paste then apply this paste on top of the corns every day before going to sleep. Always ensure that you sock your feet for a few minutes daily and when the corn dries you can rub it out using a pumice stone.


How to Get Rid of Geckos in the House

The presence and sound of geckos in the house could be terrifying and unpleasant to anyone in the house. No one ever wants to be friends let alone live in the same house with a bunch of reptiles which can cause great damage in the house. It is for this reason that you have to put into consideration many factors that would determine which control measures you would take in helping you get rid of these creatures permanently from your home. Some of the many methods on how to get rid of geckos in the house are quite easy and user or home friendly are highlighted below and you can consider trying either one of them that you feel comfortable with.

Best way to get rid Geckos in home


Another way of how to get rid of geckos in the house is by spraying the notorious corners or literally the whole house with pepper. You can do this by grinding and mixing pepper with water. This mixture causes irritation on the human skin so you have to be careful when performing this exercise. The irritation would not be any less for the geckos that come across it therefore a great way of getting rid of the geckos in the house.


Sticky traps

Such traps are designed in such a way that they can easily catch and hold on to anything that touches it. Such traps when places near sources of light would easily hold any insects that would come because insects are often attracted to light therefore reducing the amount of food for the gecko therefore they will have to migrate to find better areas with more insects hopefully not your house. If you’re lucky you can even catch the gecko itself which makes for an even bigger success.


The first thing you need to do is to make sure you are not creating an environment that is a possible conducive habitat for the geckos. This can be done by ensuring you keep the environment and compound outside your house as clean as possible and covering all cracks that can be used by the reptiles to get into the house. You can also opt to keep every inch and corner of your house well-lit so as to bring out all the insects to light which are the primary meals for geckos therefore present an opportunity for their elimination.

Tobacco plus coffee balls

For this exercise you will need some tobacco powder and some amount of moist coffee grounds and a toothpick. Mix the moist coffee and he tobacco and roll it into a ball using your hand and stick it onto the toothpick. Stick it at whichever place out think it would attract the gecko and when they consume it they would instantly die.

Box trap

 Finally you can get rid of the stubborn geckos that would not be scared away by manually tricking them to be trapped in a box and then release it far away in the wild away from your home.

Use Mothball 

The mothballs have a very smell. It can repellent the Geckos in your house. Because Geckos don't like Mothball smell. You can take a thin rag wrapped mothballs. Afterwards, you bring it to placed of area have a geckos. Gecko to escape from your home In a few days time.

Feed a Cat in your Home

Because Geckos very fear a cat. If you have a cat in you home. Gecko will not dare live in area around the home. And you will also have a cats is your cute friend.

Use tobacco to repellent geckos

You can using tobacco soak in water, Wait 30 minute for solubility tobacco in the water. After that ,you can take tobacco water spraying to area geckos nesting. or around zone as you see the geckos. All geckos and cockroach get move out from you house easily.

These are just a few of the many ways that can be used to get rid of geckos from your home. All these exercises are not complex and can easily be performed by anyone in the house.


How To Get Rid Of Carpet Beetles in Your House

How Do You Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles don't just eat carpet fibers, they eat almost everything: hair, blankets, creature nests, furniture, garments, and lint. They're likewise known not dead insects, creature remains, leather, and dust from blooms in your home. These beetles will eat anything natural, including natural carpet fibers and other products. They can destroy your carpets and furniture if you let them breed all they want. You can likewise create sensitivities if that you breathe in the little strands of hair that their hatchlings shed. Follow these tips to get free of carpet beetles in your home:

Know where they hide: Carpet beetles are difficult to see in light of the fact that they're little; for instance, the Australian carpet beetle is just two to three millimeters in length, while the dark carpet beetle is slightly bigger at three to five millimeters. These insects likewise get a kick out of the chance to sustain in dull, disengaged regions like basements, drawers, and closets.


Search for shed skins and fecal pellets to find where carpet beetles cover up. You ought to additionally check the underside of your floor coverings and carpets, as these insects like to live in these spots. Additionally, inspect substantial bits of furniture, including love seats since they are likewise typical habitats of carpet beetles. Investigate every possibility to discover adult beetles and their hatchlings to prevent further harm to your furniture.

Suck them with a vacuum cleaner: The easiest approach to get free of carpet beetles is to suck them with a vacuum more clean. Essentially put the vacuum cleaner over your carpet and other bits of furniture and suck away. It's not just the adult carpet beetles that you need to follow. Make a point to suck the little shaggy things too, in light of the fact that these are their hatchlings. Carpet beetle hatchlings are extremely destructive on the grounds that they have to eat a lot for them to develop.

Wash your carpets: Vacuuming your carpets won't get free of all carpet beetles, their hatchlings, and eggs. Wash your carpets in hot, lathery water to murder all the remaining carpet beetles. Like other insects that feast upon creature remains, the eggs of carpet beetles are exceptionally resilient. Douse every one of your fabrics in hot water, and after that cleanser them right away. You might likewise utilize a steam cleaner to thoroughly clean the carpets or call an expert to carry out the employment for you.

Use carpet treatments: Use carpet treatments that contain allethrin, bendiocarbs, and chlorpyrifos to get free of carpet beetles. There are a lot of treatments on the market today that are uniquely formulated for use against carpet beetles. Perused the instructions deliberately before utilizing the product, and don't hesitate to call the manufacture if turer that you have a few questions. It's likewise fitting that you read product audits first before purchasing one for your home.

Procure pest control agents: Getting free of carpet beetles might appear to be simple, but there are situations when these insects return to your carpets regardless of the fact that you've taken every one of the steps above. At the point when your carpet beetle issue is this awful, the best thing you can do is to contract pest control agents to get free of them for you. These experts have all the right equipment and information to take care of the issue rapidly. Don't hesitate to spend a bit if that it means sparing your beautiful and costly carpets and furniture.

Get free of old clothes: If you have heaps of old clothes in your closet or some place around the house, throw them away in light of the fact that carpet beetle hatchlings can feast upon them. Don't give these clothes to other individuals in case you're mindful that you have carpet beetles in your home. Get free of the clothes or wash them thoroughly to ensure that every one of the beetles they convey are exterminated.

Splash your home with insecticide : Spray your furniture, floorboards, and carpets with insect shower to slaughter carpet beetles. Pay attention on the underside of carpets in light of the fact that a few eggs and hatchlings are held up in it. Take your pets outside before doing this though, on the grounds that the smell of insect shower can execute little pets, similar to flying creatures. Cats and puppies might likewise turn out to be sick or pass on when they lick your carpets after you've showered insect splash.

Go for the eggs and hatchlings: Don't stress if that you neglect to slaughter adult carpet beetles on the grounds that their eggs and hatchlings are a greater threat to your carpets and furniture. Go for the eggs and hatchlings as adults will have no motivation to return to your home if their eggs and hatchlings are as of now gone.
