How to Get Rid of Moths

How Do You Get Rid of Moths

Moths have proven to be one of the major problems in our homes. How to get rid of moths can be done in easy steps. Firstly, we need to understand how this moths behave, some moths infest fabrics while others infest foods.

How do this moths enter our homes?

Well, they are always introduced to our homesthrough polluted foods or clothings. However we have some that are brought in by other rodents like mice and birds. Whatever the situation in your homes, in this article you will not only find helpful tips on how to get rid of moths but also ways you will use to prevent future infestations.


Signs of moth’s infestation

Moths are mostly active during the night. Moths are attracted by light or the heat generated by the light. The holes present in our clothes are also signs of moth’s present. Moths have a habit of chewing fabrics and their eggs can be found in our closets. The damage is not only in clothes but also on carpets and any other fabric in the house. If the food in your kitchen smells stuffy then that’s a chance for them to explore your kitchen area.

Ways on how to get rid of moths

Include use of chemicals, naturally getting rid of moths or by means of machines to get rid of moths depending on areas that are infested.

Getting rid of moths naturally 

This can be done by use of food-grade diatomaceous(natural repellants) which is greatly non-toxiccompared to other insecticides. Since it’s notharmful to our health, it can be put in both food and clothes. The moths will actually die after consuming the food. Besides that, you can also use cedar in your closets by hanging clothes on cedar hangers. Make your home to be moth proof.

This can be done by applying door sweeps to doors. You can also cover all ways that can make themtrespass your house. It is also advisable to throw away infested food. Setting moths traps is also one of the best ways of getting rid of moths, once they are trapped inside, there is no way out. Knowing how to get rid of moths by use of this methods has largely overthrown the use of some mothballs and other chemicals.

Use of chemicals to get rid of moths 

This is not encouraged in most cases, since moths mostly affect food and this can be harmful to our health.

Ways of preventing future infestations 

As it is said, prevention is better than cure. You are advised to keep your clothes clean. Since moths are likely to enter your clothes if they are dirty, it is better to thoroughly clean them and store themproperly. Wool made clothes should be stored in air tight places. You should also examine your food sources so as to prevent moth infestation. Dried grains are not the only way of letting them in but also packaged and sealed food. You should also store your food in the freezer so as to kill any egg present in the food. All cracks and crevices should be sealed to prevent moths from trespassing orbreeding. Do your best to ensure this places are sealed since they are rarely cleaned.


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