Ways to Get Rid of Corns on Your Toes
If you are one of those people who suffer from corns on your feet or your toes then you must be feeling that the sooner you get rid of them the better. Acorn is an accumulation of dead skin with hardcore that develops on or between your toes. Development of corns is how the body responds to repeated pressure and friction. Corns on the smallest toes or on top of the toes form a hard crusty surface. Corns between the toes are kept soft and moist by the protective are that they grow in.
Although over the counter drugs are helpful and available there is nothing that can substitute seeing a qualified Doctor. Remember, a corn is just a symptom of some underlying condition that may be developing in your body. Since the doctor can help you diagnose the cause you can easily deal with the problem directly. It is important to follow all his recommendations. Apart from seeing a Doctor there are some natural proven ways that can be used to
get rid of corns. They include
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is also termed as the miracle plant because it can heal different kinds of body disorders. It contains essential vitamins E and C and zinc that can heal and make your skin soft. It also has anti-bacterial properties that will help prevent infections. Applying Aloe Vera is a very easy process; just wash your feet with soap and water then after drying you can apply Aloe Vera.
Pineapple Recipe
This remedy requires that you soak your feet for 20 minutes in warm water. Cut a piece of pineapple and put it in between your toes or right on top of the corn. You can use a tape to affix the peel of pineapple overnight. Remove it the next morning and soak your feet again. This process should take you 3 to 4 days.
Vitamin E
This is the best remedy for those who have corns between their toes. Apply some oil that has vitamin E and put a cotton wool on top of the corn. Avoid using synthetic wool as they can cause more infection. Finally, wear clean cotton socks and leave them over the night.
Put on the right shoes
If you are wearing shoes that fit you properly it is very unlikely that you will develop corns. It is important to note that the most common causes of corns are ill-fitting shoes that most of us like. The worst kinds of shoes are the dressy ones with narrow toes. Besides, do not forget to change your socks daily. This is
how to get rid of corns on toes.
Papaya juice
This is claimed to be the fastest method of treating corns. Grind some chalk and make a paste then apply this paste on top of the corns every day before going to sleep. Always ensure that you sock your feet for a few minutes daily and when the corn dries you can rub it out using a pumice stone.
Though how to get rid of corns between toes is a common topic and you can find a lot of information on the internet, follow the guideline carefully.