How Do You Get Rid of The Hiccups Fast and Easy

How To Get Rid Of Those Hiccups

And THEN... they come. Those dreaded hiccups. Again. Right when you needed it the least. At your high-stake job interview. Or in the middle of the professor's speech. And loudly. What to do? Fortunately, there are many tried and tested methods for getting rid of hiccups. Some may work better than others, and some may not work all the time. But many hiccuping hiccup sufferers swear by the results.


The Sweet

A:Try eating something sweet. Take a spoonful of sugar, brown sugar, or honey, hold it on your tongue for five seconds, and swallow. Overloading your nerves in your mouth may just stop the hiccups. Note: If this method does not work the first time or two, it is NOT recommended to continue downing spoonful l fter spoonfull of sugar. Move on to other methods.

B:Down a spoon of peanut butter, without chewing. Use unsolidified peanut butter, or hold it in your mouth for ten seconds to soften it. This will make it easier to swallow. Allergic to peanuts? Almond butter will work just as well.

The Sour

A:Bite into a lemon wedge. This will achieve a similar affect of having someone scare you. You may add sugar to the lemon to sweeten it.

B: Drink some pickle juice.Or vinegar. A half a teaspoon every ten seconds should do the trick. Continue untill the hiccups stop.

C:Eat some salt. Take one teaspoon, followed by a sip of water. Can't bring yourself to do these? Fortunately, there are other methods!

The Silly 

A:Have a friend tickle you for thirty seconds. Will only work if you are ticklish. Make sure he will stop before asking him or her.

B:Burp. Swallow air, and keep on swallowing until you burp. Coughing and sneezing work as well. This will reset the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the stomach.. Not recommended in middle of that interview.

C: Stick out you tongue. This may help. As in B.

The Normal

A:Get out that paper bag. Breath into it, in and out, slowly and gently. This really does work. As you will be inhaling more carbon dioxide, your body will busy itself with getting rid of that, abandoning the hiccuping business.

B:Wet the back of a paper and put it on your forehead. Also called the African Method.

Drinking Methods 

A:Drink water through a straw. Take a few gulps, while closing your ears with your fingers.

B: As in A, but add another straw, this one drawing not water, but air. Hold it to the outside of the cup.

C: Drink while lying on your stomach.Alternatively, bend all the way forwards, and drink.

D: Drink with a pencil in your mouth. While biting down hard on the pencil, which should be lying across your mouth hirozontally, take a few sips, through the pencil. Easier said than done.

E: Drink with half a broken toothpick floating around in the cup. Drink slowly, while concentrating on the toothpick. The concentration should make you stop hiccuping.


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