How to Get Rid of Wasps in The House and Garden

Wasps can bring problems in homesteads; they can sting causing discomfort and lots of pain. They can turn a relaxing yard to a dangerous place. At certain moments, wasps can injure those people who are allergic to stings caused by wasps.


There are several ways that can be employed in an attempt to keep off wasps in homes. Anytime you discover that your home has been attacked by wasps, look for ways that will assist you to keep off wasps. Any time you fall victim of wasps, look for natural ways to keep them off; natural ways are cost effective and they can assist you in getting rid of health complications.

The purpose of this write up is to highlight the seven most effective ways on How to get rid of wasps:

7 Ways on How to get rid of wasps

1. Use soap sprays

This method is most effective anytime you notice an increase in the population of wasps in your home. You must first identify the nests as you prepare a soap solution and other detergents. You can then use the garden hose to spray the nest using that solution. This will naturally kill the wasps and you will have gotten rid of them.

NB-You must exercise caution whenever you are spraying. You have to stand in a position that is strategic so that you are not stung. Ensure that the wasps do not notice you.

2. Avoid substances that may attract wasps inside your home

Substances that have too much sugar attract wasps a lot. Always make efforts to avoid such foods by throwing them away. This will help you to get rid of wasps. Pet foods and meat also attract wasps; you can avoid them as well. Anytime you have leftover foods inside your home, keep them in a sealed bag so that wasps can no longer get attracted to your home.

3. Grow plants that are wasps deterrent 

Plants like eucalyptus, citronella, mint and wormwood deter wasps. Ensure that you grow such plants in your garden so that they can deter wasps. These plants will not only deter wasps, they will also make your garden look beautiful.

4. Build fake nests

Wasps are very territorial. If you put nests in your home, wasps will think that there exists another established colony there. This will reduce the chances of them building another nest there.

5. Block off underground nests

There are times when wasps build underground nests in homes. It’s easy to get rid of these wasps by blocking all the entry and exit points of these wasps. This will make wasps get less access to food; they will die sooner rather than later. Always ensure that all the exits and entrances are completely sealed. You can do this by putting a cover and applying some grease to ensure that the seal is very tight.

6.Hang a sandwich that is filled with water

When you hang a sandwich that is filled with water on your door, wasps will think that it is a spider web placed there with the sole purpose of capturing them. This will make them avoid your door. This is just a simple trick since designing a sandwich is very easy. Although you will not kill the wasps, they will migrate in droves out of your home to other places

7. Traps

Traps are of great use whenever you are trying to reduce a huge number of wasps in your home. Glass wasp traps are a good example of traps that can greatly assist you. You can also put attractive baits in those traps so that wasps can get attracted. This will assist you in reducing their population or even completely getting rid of them

You can use all method in article ' How to get rid of wasps ' for get rid you problem. Very thank  for your read .


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